The Epistle to the Romans

Murray, John

Sale price$59.99

Careful exegetical attention, a robust knowledge of Reformed systematic theology, and an acute awareness of our spiritual needs all mark this staggering work of profound scholarship. In stunning detail, Murray leads us through the traditional landscape of a Roman’s commentary (authorship, purpose, structure, verse-by-verse exposition), engaging with leading scholars and theologians of his time. But he adds to this discussion his own depth of understanding based on years of teaching and studying the text. In this volume, Murray long-debated issues that remain relevant to the church: the nature of justification, the relationship between Adam and Christ (Rom. 5), and the identity of the “weak” and the “strong” (Rom. 14). Now offered to readers for the first time in a single-volume format with updated indexes, The Epistle to the Romans features a new and and instructive introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson that illuminates the context of Murray's timeless commentary with insight into how and why it came to be a landmark volume both academically and pastorally. The Epistle to the Romans is sure to find space once again on the shelf of every pastor, teacher, and theologian.

  • Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson
  • 688 pages
  • New single-volume format
  • Cloth over board with dust jacket
  • Updated index
  • Printed and bound in Italy

The Epistle to the Romans was first published in 1959 as part of the New International Commentary on the New Testament series.


“I don’t think any commentary has surpassed Murray in theological depth and precision on the book of Romans. The sentences are complex and carefully crafted, and they are penetrating in the depth and scope of their theological richness.”

John Piper Founder, DesiringGod

“I am thrilled to see this new edition of The Epistle to Romans. Murray’s commentary is not only an erudite and incisive exposition on one of the most important books in the Bible, it’s one of the best theological commentaries on any book of the Bible. This re-published volume will have a prized position in my library. I know I will open the pages of this classic work with regularity and with delight.”

Kevin DeYoung Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary

“This commentary remains a prized possession. I pray that the impact of John Murray's teaching will be as great on the coming generation as it has been on me. Professor Murray's approach to commentary remains his gift to the church for all generations.”

Sinclair Ferguson